All The Difference
Friday, May 18, 2018
The End is in Sight
Overall, I thought I would have more time for my personal side-projects, but I got so involved in Peace Corps projects that my individual ones kind of fell off. It isn't the first time I've had good intentions go awry in my life and I'm sure it won't be the last, but it's sad to me that I didn't document more of my daily life in written word here on this blog.
Overwhelmingly I feel great about my service. My school has sometimes been a nightmare to deal with, but I've found ways of working through it and feeling fulfilled at site and in my Peace Corps work. My lasting contribution will be felt through the amazing work my colleagues and I have put into making the affinity groups and help groups of Peace Corps thrive and grow. We've added content to PPS (Peer Professional Support), updated multiple handbooks, and even created a new group, Health Corps, dedicated to helping volunteers stay physically healthy at site. Overall, we are leaving Peace Corps a little better than we found it, and that's really all one can ask for at the end of service.
I recently won a superlative at our COS (Close-of-Service) Conference: Peace Corps Mom. I guess I did something right, because volunteers feel that I have their backs. It felt really great to know that.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Yom Kippur Atonement and Teachable Moments
Ten days separate Rosh hashanah and Yom Kippur. This means that if Rosh Hashanah is on a Thursday, Yom Kippur is on the next Saturday. So...I knew I could fast and attend services in peace with no guilt. There would be no class! Alas, in China, weekends are not sacred. In fact, because National holiday is next week and they wish to give students and staff an entire week off, that means they make up Thursday classes on the Saturday before...which happens to this year fall on Yom Kippur.
At first, I thought, 'well, I will just go to class, I did sign up for the unknown aspects of Peace Corps service,' but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was a teachable moment. I am a religion and cultural background that most of my students have no real idea about. They think Jews are smart and like to read books. I have had more than one student ask me, "did your prents paint honey on the pages of your books so you would learn to love to read?" (I have no idea where this stereotype came from, btw.) My response being, "wouldn't that make the pages stick together?" They then look at me with wide saucer-like eyes and sigh, "ooooooooh! Yes, teacher, it would!" So I felt that exposing my school to my religious practices (not pushing it, but opening their minds to a new way of faith and thought) may be a positive experience.
I decided not to go through Peace Corps, but to handle this with my school directly. Over the past year I have established myself as a responsible, outgoing, and strict teacher, and I have quite a lot of respect on campus. I have also NEVER missed class or asked for a day off other than for Peace Corps training or the one day I was so sick I passed out in class. I did not use this in my request, but I knew it would be considered when making the decision. I explained to them that I had plans to attend a cultural service on one of the High Holidays of my people, that it was very important to me, but that if my class could not be rearranged, I would attend and teach. I was respectful. I was amenable. I got a response, "we must go higher, this is not a low level decision." So I waited for two days before approaching my Associate Dean again, and his response was? "We got approval for you to reschedule your one class. The department heads had a meeting and did Internet research. They see this is one of the most important of your people's festivals, and so we will be happy to reschedule your class."
I find this to be a small victory here in China, both personal and cultural. My religion is not recognized here. Most religion is considered taboo or simply unacceptable. The willingness of my very party-centric school to both research, acquiesce, and so respectfully comply with my request goes to show that hard work, respect, and simply asking for what you want can have a very positive impact on the environment one finds oneself in. I came here to teach, both inside and outside of the classroom, and I consider tolerance and acceptance of others one of my most important lessons. It really felt special to be allowed this special privilege, and I hope the school administrators learned just a little bit more about me in the process.
A sincere thank you to my school for allowing me this holiest of days to fast, reflect, and atone.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Had I Known...Packing for China
Monday, December 12, 2016
Yes, it does mean you are a racist/misogynist/bigot, or, How You Have Placed Your Head in the Sand
I believe personal politics are private. Whom one votes for should never be required information or demanded from anyone. If one votes for a misogynistic and racist candidate, though, one must assume some sense of responsibility for that personal choice, I just don't need to know about it. Feel guilty? Advertising articles about minority women who made the same choice or articles entitled, 'No, I'm not a Racist,' then defending your vote for the representative of your nation who is a proven racist/misogynist does not get you off the hook. In fact, it only proves what is glaringly obvious to the rest of us: you have no ability to think for yourself or see what you have done. You are so busy defending your actions you haven't seen WHY other people have a problem with it.
Let's start with the most obvious part of why this election stank: the Electoral College. Most people who voted for the Republican candidate do not realize that their candidate lost the popular vote. Most people do not want this man to represent them. The majority of the country who did actually cast their ballot voted for HRC. He lost, even though the electoral college voted him in, the truth is that he isn't the person most voters believe represent them. Period.
This is why your fellow citizens are protesting. It is the antiquated system they have a problem with first and foremost. Where more people can say, "no, we want her," and yet, a man that represents fewer of the population's choice can be elected into office, that's the main problem here.
Let's move onto racism. Why are you racist if you chose to vote for Donald Trump? Well, to start, he ran a campaign not centered on factual information, but on manufactured lies when he brought up any kind of statistical data. He used generalizations like, (paraphrasing) 'Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers,' which, if you aren't a racist, you know to be untrue. He wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans from crossing the border. I can only assume this is to keep drugs out of our country, but if one knows anything about drug cartels, they already have ways of getting over, around, under, and through walls. If it is to keep hard working Mexicans from attempting to find day laborer jobs or visiting their families, well, that seems like something better dealt with by reassessing our economy. If you are a nurse, a teacher, or even a factory worker, those jobs are most likely not being taken by Mexican illegal immigrants. As I tell my students here when they say something ignorant, "read a book!" Gain some knowledge about how Mexican illegal immigration actually affects our country. It provides cheap labor for jobs often unfilled by middle class and even lower class Americans. You would know this if you ever bothered to read up on the subject, but it is easier to just listen to rhetoric and hate people based on your economy that the Bush administration tanked, right? Don't blame the people actually responsible. Blame people who, like your ancestors, are simply looking to provide a better life for their families. Finders keepers, right? We found this land and slaughtered the indigenous population, so it's ours now. I imagine these Trump supporters in a treehouse with a 'No Minorities Allowed' sign. They also have a 'No Girls Allowed,' sign, but that's next on my list.
So if you voted for Trump, you voted for a man who is a proven racist. Does this make you racist? No. It makes you willing and a participant in labeling all of America racists. Let me tell you something most people have forgotten about politics. The President is our highest representative. He is the face and the speech of all of us, every single one. That's why those of us with highly developed thought processes and educated reasoning behind our opinions are so pissed off that the rest of you voted a man in who thinks that all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers.
Then there is the issue of closing the borders to all refugees and labeling all Muslims. There are currently more Muslims in the world than any other religion. It is the fastest growing religion EVER. Christianity is passé. Buddhism is out. Atheists? Good luck, most Atheists are highly educated intellectuals and the majority of the world's population (and obviously America's) are not this type. want to run our country based on good Christian values? You elected a businessman with low moral fiber to forge this bond to God? You think God will save you from the BILLIONS of Muslims on this planet? Seriously? You think creating more divides with the Middle East, distancing ourselves from allies like China (more on this later) and labeling all Muslims as terrorists doesn't make you a racist? Oh, okay, so you didn't label all Muslims as terrorists, just the candidate you voted for, right? Let me remind you: your candidate is an extension of you. He is your voice in the government. What he says DOES reflect you. If we could pick and choose what parts of a man or woman to represent us and what parts to silence, we would have a different world, but this is your voice. He is an extension of you. So yes, his opinions are your opinions, and that means that when he spouts racist rhetoric to get votes and you vote for him, that is you spouting that rhetoric. It's our entire country. So, if you voted for Donald Trump, part of you is Donald Trump. The part that is American. The part that chose him to represent all of our voices to our friends and our enemies, foreign and domestic.
Women. He grabs them by the pussy. This isn't something I expect the majority of the male Trump supporter group to understand, and the female group even less so. If a woman, in good conscious, voted for a man who has grabbed, fondled, kissed, etc. women without consent, those women haven't ever been taught that they have a voice. They haven't learned that there is an alternative to being less than a man, that equality doesn't mean abandoning traditional values or even Christian values if one wishes, it simply gives a woman an option to choose for herself. These women who voted for Trump have accepted that they are pieces of meat to him and most of the male society and they have accepted that this is okay and unchangeable. For someone like me, who is living overseas and spreading the message that Americans are caring, hardworking, and intelligent people, it has become difficult for me to answer my students' questions. 'Why doesn't your President care about protecting women?' 'Why do your people hate other people?' These questions commingled with questions about whether they will be shot if they visit America are the questions I answer more than any other. They truly believe that in America women are objects and that we all play a subservient role to all men. Even in Christianity this is not acceptable. One is subservient to one's father and then one's husband, but voting for Trump, whose "locker room talk," means admitting to sexual assault (a physical crime committed, not just "hurt feelings" like so many people on Facebook who use the word "libtard" freely like to say) means voting for a man who has repeatedly stated that women are only valuable if they are beautiful to look at. He's cheated on every one of his wives. He's been accused of sexual assault, rape, and sexual misconduct going back all the way to the early 80s. Contrary to what some (mostly male) Trump supporters state, these accusations have not been manufactured since he began running for president. They have been in existence for decades.
The comparison to Bill Clinton's affairs is glaring. Bill Clinton is a philanderer, which is technically his business, but his acts were all (to current knowledge) consensual. Donald Trump has admitted to committing actual crimes by touching women without consent and whether they told him to stop or not. Also, whether they were married or not or attached or not.
Why is this a problem? It normalizes sexual assault. It teaches our children that "locker room talk" is not only acceptable, but encouraged. But it goes a step further. This man didn't just talk about these acts. He did them. He also cheated on each of his three wives (assuming the third since the conversation had with Billy Bush was after his wedding to Melania Trump.) By voting for Trump, you said to your boys, "it's okay to touch girls when they don't want you to. It's okay because that's what they are there for. It is especially okay if you have money and/or power." Don't be surprised if your daughters realize early that their bodies aren't for them. They belong to the male population of the United States. You know, in some ancient cultures, the king was allowed to sleep with virgin brides on their wedding nights before the groom. This is a nice visual, right? A woman screaming and crying as she is raped by the king, a man supposed to be in a role to protect her and keep her safe? That's what you just elected into office. That's what you've enforced for your daughters and your sons. That if you are President, it's okay to grab women by the pussy...
Abortion will happen whether you make it illegal or not. Statistically, better access to education and birth control reduce the number of unwanted pregnancy, but the new administration will repeal these methods. They will erase the ability of women to get counseling in the event they have an unwanted pregnancy. They wish to repeal Roe v. Wade. They wish to leave your daughters with no choice in how to proceed with sex and pregnancy before, during, or after pregnancy. The message is clear: anyone who is of child bearing age who has sex should be punished with a child. Society should be punished with unwanted children. Women who have life threatening diseases should just die rather than terminate a pregnancy. The possibility for life is more important than life that already exists. Period.
The Bible states that Adam was created by the dust of the earth and lived only when God breathed life into him, meaning Adam was not alive until he took his first intake of breath, yet most Evangelical Christians believe life begins at conception. This is repudiated in Genesis. The first breath a body takes on its own, away from the mother's body, is the moment life begins. God in this instance was both father and mother, but the Bible is clear: first breath equals life. Take away standard medical science. Disregard that late term abortion is actually illegal in all but the most extreme health cases. The Bible, what so many people site as their reasoning for being pro-life, states that Adam did not live until he took his first breath. Breathing on one's own determines life by that definition, and taking away access to abortion will lead us back to back-room unsterile abortions and coat-hangers in bathtubs. Many more lives will be lost. How on earth can one believe that reducing access to birth control and abortions can possibly make this country great again? Roe v. Wade was a landmark case because it gave women the option of not having to feel dirty or be punished for a decision they AND A MAN made that is a perfectly natural urge. Like eating, sex is something we crave for survival. Punishing someone for life because of one decision, or a rape, is like putting someone to death for eating an apple. Even God simply banished Adam and Eve, he didn't destroy their lives, just made them move out of dad's house.
I live in China. I joined the United States Peace Corps because I love my country. I chose a different kind of service than my father who was US Army. I chose to serve in a way that spread peace and education around the world. I did this not because I don't respect the military or our veterans (I do) but because I knew my skills are in explaining and helping on a smaller scale of non-violent actions. I didn't choose my placement in China. It was chosen for me. Now, it's a scary place to be. We are here because this is the largest population in the world and the country is developed. This isn't what we used to call a "third world country," and these people are well educated. They have access to education publicly through college for very low cost. They have a much larger educated population than anywhere else on earth. Maybe not percentage wise, but on a pure numbers volume, China far surpasses the US. So why are we here? It should be obvious. To form good relations. To spread goodwill and to trade cultures. If you aren't afraid of Trump's plan for distancing the US from China, you should be. An economic powerhouse with more educated citizens and no religious rhetoric bogging down this mostly atheist nation, the US should be afraid of pissing China off. I know as a resident teacher here, I have selfish reasons for wanting trade and relations to remain stable, much like most Trump supporters had selfish reasons for voting for him. China and India and the Middle East know next to nothing about your "Great America," they don't care, and they have the ability to destroy you. You think you are a superpower, but when the majority of your people vote a man into office who promises global change that could tank economies worldwide, well, they don't look like a threat, they simply look stupid.
As for gay rights, I won't even go there, because it's clear that if you voted for the Trump/Pence ticket, you simply don't care about people who aren't exactly like you on that front. Anyone who loves their gay cousin/uncle/sibling could not possibly vote for anyone who put Mike Pence on their ticket with them. So I must assume you are indeed a bigot.
So you voted for Trump but you aren't any of these things? You chose a man who consistently cajoled and demeaned women, minorities, gays, the disabled, and even captured veterans (who you claim to respect so much) and you said, "yup, that man represents me and I want him to be the voice of this country," and you wonder why people like me think you are a racist misogynistic bigot? Really?
That brings me to my last point: I am so sorry. I am so sorry this country failed you. We failed to educate you on the American Government, on what it means to be President, in what it means to pick a representative. We failed to educate you on how to fact check and fact find and truly dig into the truth and think for yourself and make decisions based on research and understanding. We failed our women. We failed to show them that they aren't all required to be victims their entire lives and subservient and take abuse. We failed our children in showing them how to accept each other and learn from our differences. We failed. We failed them all. Swastikas spray painted on walls, trans people beaten, Middle School students chanting, "build a wall, build a wall," at their classmates. These are the reasons we have failed and these are the reasons we label you bigots and misogynists and racists. You have normalized this behavior. You have accepted it. You have made excuses for it. You have created it with something as simple as a vote.
Maybe you love your gay neighbors, your black grocer, and your Mexican doctor, but you voted to keep them down. You voted to make it acceptable for others to attack and belittle and demean them. You stood on the sidelines and not only did you watch, you said, "this is okay." You made this happen. You want to know why you are these things? Because you said, "okay."
Here's a secret: I don't like HRC. I think the DNC deserved to lose. They put a candidate into the running that they knew most people couldn't get behind. She has scandals and obvious ties to corruption. It was like voting for Francis Underwood. The DNC deserved to lose. But by electing Trump, the American people lose. Either way, we all lose, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that a vote for Trump did in fact make you a racist, misogynistic bigot. You can't run from that, sorry.